Jeffrey K. Smith, AIA gives talk honoring Edward Cazayoux FAIA.
On March 18th of this year, Jeffrey was asked, along with three other architects and architectural educators associated with ULL, to prepare a talk honoring Edward Cazayoux FAIA. This presentation was a part of the annual ULL School of Architecture lecture series for the spring of 2015. Edward Cazayoux FAIA is being honored with the ULL College of Art and Design’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Jeffrey spoke about his relationship with Eddie from being a student in his studio at the University to the present time as a colleague. The focus of his presentation was Eddie’s commitment to sustainability and green architecture. Jeffrey outlined the history of his involvement in passive energy building design concepts throughout his career and how his research has guided the architecture of South Louisiana for the past 40 years. This includes the passive energy house designed and constructed by ULL students with his guidance in 1979 -1980 which was over 30 years ahead of its time. Many Colleges of Architecture are now using this model as an educational tool for their students, including the Rural Studio at Auburn University, Urban Built at Tulane and The Building Institute at ULL.