Featured Awards & Honors



Tangipahoa Chamber Medium Business of the Year


AIA Baton Rouge Gold Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Silver Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Silver Rose Award

IIDA Interior Design Excellence Award


AIA Louisiana Merit Award

AIA New Orleans Merit Award

Baton Rouge Business Report’s Best Places to Work

IIDA Award Of Recognition


AIA New Orleans Commendation Award

Metal Architecture Design Award – Ribbed Metal Wall Panels


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award


AIA Baton Rouge Gold Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Silver Rose Award

AIA Gulf States Region Honor Citation Award

AIA New Orleans Merit Award

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Excellence – Historic Renovation/Preservation

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Recognition – Institutional/Governmental

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Recognition – Residential

Louisiana Landmarks Society 2020 Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation


AIA Baton Rouge Gold Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Member’s Choice Award

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Merit Award

Louisiana Landmarks Society 2019 Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award

AIA New Orleans Historic Preservation, Restoration + Adaptive Re-use Award of Merit

Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc. National Excellence in Construction Award of Excellence

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Recognition – Large Corporate

USGBC Louisiana Sustainability Award

USGBC Louisiana Sustainability Award


AIA Baton Rouge Gold Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Member’s Choice Award

AIA Baton Rouge Silver Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Members Choice

Hard Hat Award by Physicians Realty Trust

USGBC Louisiana Sustainability Award


AIA Baton Rouge Gold Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Silver Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Silver Rose Award

AIA Gulf States Region Merit Award

AIA New Orleans USGBC Sustainability Award

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Excellence – Small Corpora


AIA Baton Rouge Gold Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Gold Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Members Choice

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Excellence – Institutional/Governmental

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Excellence – Institutional/Governmental


AIA New Orleans Honor Award

Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc. New Orleans/Bayou Chapter: Excellence for an Institutional project $25M-$100M

CEFPI Design Award


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Gulf States Region Merit Award

AIA Louisiana “Divine Detail” for The Stair Tower and Breezeway

AIA Louisiana Merit Award

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Excellence – Corporate/Institutional

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Excellence – Retail

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Recognition – Corporate/Institutional


AIA Baton Rouge Gold Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Member’s Choice Award

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Recognition – Corporate Design


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

Louisiana Homes & Gardens Sonata Award


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

Foundation for Historical Louisiana Preservation Award

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Recognition – Corporate Design

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Recognition – Institutional Design

Louisiana Homes & Gardens Sonata Award

South Central Construction Best of 2009 – Award of Merit, Private Design

South Central Construction Best of 2009 – Best Private Architecture

South Central Construction Best of 2009 – Best Public Architecture


AIA Baton Rouge Gold Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Silver Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award

AIA New Orleans Merit Award for Historic Preservation / Restoration / Rehabilitation

IIDA Delta Regional Chapter Award of Recognition – Healthcare Design

South Central Construction Best of 2008 – Best Private Design

South Central Construction Best of 2008 – Best Public Design


AIA Louisiana Members Choice

AIA New Orleans Merit Award

AIA New Orleans Merit Award

South Central Construction Best of 2007 – Best Private Architecture

South Central Construction Best of 2007 Award of Merit – Private Architecture

South Central Construction Best of 2007 Award of Merit – Public Architecture


AIA Louisiana Members Choice

AIA New Orleans Merit Award

South Central Construction Best of 2006 Award of Merit – Private Architecture

South Central Construction Best of 2006 Judges’ Award – Best Overall Design

South Central Construction Best of 2008 – Award of Merit, Private Design


A.S.I.D. Award for Interior Design

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award

Louisiana Contractor Magazine Merit Award, Public Architecture


ABC Pelican Chapter Excellence in Construction

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award


A.S.I.D. Award for Interior Design

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA New Orleans Merit Award

Louisiana Contractor Magazine “Best of 2002” Merit Award

Louisiana Contractor Magazine “Best of 2002” Best Public Architecture


AIA Louisiana Honor Award for Excellence

American Society of Landscape Architects – President’s Award

Louisiana Contractor Magazine “Best of 2000” Merit Award


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award

Louisiana Contractor Magazine “Best of 2000” Best Public Architecture Project


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award


State of Louisiana Mainstreet Award – Best Adaptive Reuse


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award of Excellence

AIA New Orleans Merit Award

AIA New Orleans Merit Award

American Society of Landscape Architects, Louisiana Chapter


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award

Domino’s 30 Award Recipient: Recognized in the top 30 residential designers in North America


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award of Excellence


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award


AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Baton Rouge Rose Award

AIA Louisiana Honor Award of Excellence