Academy Place receives Green Communities Certification
Academy Place in Houma, Louisiana was recently approved as a Green Communities certified development through the Enterprise Green Communities. This project, which was a complete renovation of the historic Houma Elementary School into affordable senior housing, incorporates many green building strategies, including durable materials, Energy Star lighting and appliances, and energy efficient building components.
Enterprise Green Communities certification demonstrates the commitment to provide high performance, healthy homes for low-income families.
All Green Communities certified projects must complete a thorough Integrative Design process. Part of that process is hosting a charrette: An intense work session that brings together a diverse group of housing professionals as well as funders, policymakers, health practitioners and community stakeholders to integrate sustainable green design principles into affordable housing developments before schematic designs are complete.
To achieve Enterprise Green Communities Certification, the project had to achieve compliance with the mandatory criteria measures applicable to the construction type. Academy Place achieved 35 option points, obtaining points in Integrative Design, Location + Neighborhood Fabric, Site Improvements, Water Conservation, Energy Efficiency, and Materials Beneficial to the Environment.
Renaissance Neighborhood Development Corp. (Project Developer) Development Director, Vanessa Levine, said “Academy Place is now home to a community of seniors who get to live in these “green” and beautiful buildings.”
The revitalization of this historic landmark is a great asset to the successful rejuvenation of Downtown Houma, while also fulfilling a great need for centrally located affordable senior housing.