Holly & Smith Architects to participate in Destination Downtown 2019 in Hammond
Holly & Smith Architects’ Principal Architect, Jeffrey Smith, has spent the last few months talking about the History and Revitalization of Downtown Hammond, speaking in May at the Louisiana Trust for Historic Preservation Conference and in June to the IFMA Baton Rouge Chapter. And this month, he will get to show everyone what he’s been talking about, by leading a walking tour throughout Downtown Hammond on the Secrets of Adaptive Reuse as part of Destination Downtown 2019. Destination Downtown is a regional conference sponsored by Louisiana Main Street, Mississippi Main Street Association and Main Street Arkansas.
The process of rejuvenation of the very successful historic district as a model for downtown redevelopment is being used as a shining example throughout the State of Louisiana. Jeffrey’s walking tour will uncover some of the secrets of adaptive reuse, and he will share the experience Holly & Smith Architects has of renovating over 50 projects in Downtown Hammond.
Principal Architect, Michael Holly, will also be participating in this year’s conference and will be speaking at the conference on Turning the Past into the Future: The History and Revitalization of Downtown Hammond. The success of downtown Hammond as a vibrant community is a testament to the persistence of its citizens. Michael will discuss how the citizens, business owners, and investors have utilized innumerable tools to bring about results in this top-10 finalist Great American Main Street Award community.
Destination Downtown 2019 will take place at the Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts in Hammond, Louisiana September 11-13. This event attracts more than 200 professionals in preservation-based commercial district revitalization. Attendees hail from communities of all sizes, from small rural towns to neighborhood commercial districts in larger cities across the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas.
For the full agenda, go to: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07egcmfka50344d4bc&llr=ft4f485ab