Elkra Medical Offices


Covington, Louisiana


Elkra 5

The new office development for Neurocare of Louisiana is an extension to its original campus constructed in 2019 and located on Crestwood Boulevard within the City of Covington.

Soon after its completion, the building was expanded due to increased patient demand and the need for additional supportive functions necessary for a rapidlygrowing business. With an additional 4 acres of property available to the immediate East for future growth, a well-established brand, and a continuingincrease in patient demand, the new development provides additional supportive infrastructure to its campus by adding an Administration Wing, a MedicalOffice Wing, and an on-site Diagnostic Lab. Additionally, the site design takes into consideration an area for a future MRI Suite and associated parkingfor the structure. Exterior covered pedestrian walkway canopies connect the new buildings to the existing facility creating a central circulation spinethrough the campus allowing doctors and visitors to easily navigate the various wings without the use of vehicles. The branding and imaging of the originaldevelopment are maintained through the use of familiar roof forms, building signage in the form of super-graphics, and a simple material palette consistingof metal panels, plaster, and glass.